Friday, September 30, 2011

Greek Fishing Boat

The paper was again prepared using the light pink wash to make a glow.  This painting was from a photo that I took when I was in Greece.
Watercolor 14X10

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Figures by Design

Again another painting inspired by a Florida Watercolor Society demo.  A wet watercolor sheet is covered with leaves, weeds, paper & junk.  Then I painted around each object and let it dry.  I removed all the stuff and painted a photo with design.

Watercolor  27X18

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Last weekend was the Florida Watercolor Convention.  There were lots of demos.  This painting of sails was painted using Janet King's technique.  After wetting her paper, she paints her watercolor paper softly with Jaune Brilliant #1 & #2 and Permanent Pink and lets it dry.  Illumination, the paper glows. 
Watercolor  14X10

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Portrait Design

I watched a video, Polly Hammett, Design with the Figure.  So this is a picture of my granddaughter Jill.  I made a black background and a black shirt.  I will paint it again with different combinations.  The face was painted with Opera and then wiped off.  I am not using the same watercolor paper as Polly does, so it doesn't wipe off as well.

Watercolor, Black Sumi Ink and Watercolor Pencils  10X14

Friday, September 16, 2011

Red Poppies

Red Poppies is another batik.  It was started with lots of wax painted on the white masa paper before I started painting.  Definitely the trick to a sparkling watercolor.
Batik  12X8

Monday, September 12, 2011

Portrait V

I have not been painting.  I decided I must start matting and framing all the paintings I have done the last few months.  The art season will be here soon with lots of shows and opportunities to sell my art.  Matting and framing is very time consuming.  It takes time away from my painting.
Below is another portrait that I did in the portrait class.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Batik Red Coconuts

Look familiar?  I just redid the smaller painting larger.  On the white masa paper, I started off with a drawing of wax where ever there was white or a light color.  After the wax was ironed off, I adjusted those whites with a layer of watercolor paint. 
Batik  8X11

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Batik Egrets

We now have a big group doing batik in the summer Fort Myers Beach Art Association Wednesday & Thursday's open day of painting.  It is fun seeing what subjects are chosen.  The batik is more successful using bold colors.  I just painted around the white egret.
Batik  10X12

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Batik Coconuts

It was fun painting the coconut tree with all the fronds cascading over the coconuts.  But I did not like the final painting.  So I cut it down the middle and made two small paintings.  They will be 8X10 framed. 

Batik  4X6
Batik  4X6

Friday, September 2, 2011

Four Sunflowers Batik

This batik was not outlined.  The definition of stems and leaves without the outlining got lost.  I used different color darkening paint in the wrinkled cracks. 
Batik  10X13

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Spain Street Scene

You are just getting a preview.  I have been working on this oil painting since Tuesday.  It needs at least another days work.  I may just wait until the oil paint dries to do the final details. 
Oil  20X26